Curriculum Vitae Surname: Abe Given Name: Sumiyoshi Academic Title: Dr. of Science Nationality: Japanese Date and Place of Birth: 17 September 1958, Tochigi, Japan Academic Address: Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan TEL&FAX: +81 298-53-4312 e-mail: Education April 1977-March 1981: Department of Physics, Nihon University April 1981-March 1986: Graduate School of Physics, Nihon University March 1986: Dr. of Science, Nihon University Position April 1986-March 1986: Post Doctoral Fellow; at Atomic Energy Research Institute, Nihon University April 1986-January 1991: Teaching Position; at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and at Nihon University February 1991-March 1993: Alexander von Humboldt Fellow; (at Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) April 1993-March 1996: Research Associate, Nihon University Alcuni lavori recenti (1) S. Abe, ^ÓTemperature of nonextensive systems: Tsallis entropy as Clausius entropy^Ô, Physica A, in press. (2) S. Abe and S. Thurner, ^ÓAnomalous diffusion in view of Einstein^Òs 1905 theory of Brownian motion^Ô, Physica A 356, 403-407 (2005). No.6 among the 25 top downloaded articles in the journal in 2005. (3) S. Abe, ^ÓReply to "Comment on `Stability of Tsallis entropy and instabilities of Rényi and normalized Tsallis entropies: A basis for q-exponential distributions´"^Ô Phys. Rev. E 7 2, 028102 (2005). (4) S. Abe and A. K. Rajagopal, ^ÓScaling relations in equilibrium nonextensive thermostatistics^Ô, Phys. Lett. A 337, 292-295 (2005). (5) S. Abe and G. B. Bagci, ^ÓNecessity of q-expectation value in nonextensive statistical mechanics^Ô, Phys. Rev. E 7 1, 016139 (2005). (6) S. Abe, G. Kaniadakis, and A. M. Scarfone, ^ÓStabilities of generalized entropies^Ô, J. Phys. A 3 7, 10513-10519 (2004). (7) S. Abe, ^ÓStability analysis of generalized entropies and q-exponential distributions^Ô,, Physica D 193, 84-89 (2004). (8) A. K. Rajagopal and S. Abe, ^ÓStatistical mechanical foundations of power-law distributions^Ô, Physica D 193, 73-83 (2004). (9) S. Abe and A. K. Rajagopal, ^ÓThe second law in nonextensive quantum thermostatistics for small systems^Ô, Physica A 340, 50-56 (2004). (10) S. Abe, ^ÓTsallis entropy: How unique?^Ô, Continuum Mech. and Thermodyn. 1 6, 237-244 (2004). (11) S. Abe, ^ÓDilatation symmetry of the Fokker-Planck equation and anomalous diffusion^Ô, Phys. Rev. E 6 9, 016102 (2004). (12) S. Abe and A. K. Rajagopal, ^ÓValidity of the Second Law in Nonextensive Quantum Thermodynamics^Ô, Phys. Rev. Lett. 9 1, 120601 (2003). (13) S. Abe, ^ÓGeometry of escort distributions^Ô, Phys. Rev. E 6 8, 031101 (2003). (14) S. Abe, ^ÓGeneralized entropy optimized by a given arbitrary distribution^Ô, J. Phys. A 3 6, 8733-8738 (2003). (15) S. Abe and T. Kobayashi, ^ÓHidden gauge structure and derivation of microcanonical ensemble theory of bosons from quan tum principles^Ô, Phys. Rev. E 6 7, 036119 (2003). (16) S. Abe, ^ÓStability of Tsallis entropy and instabilities of Rényi and normalized Tsallis entropies: A basis for q-exponential distributions^Ô, Phys. Rev. E 6 6, 046134 (2002). (17) S. Abe, ^ÓNonadditive entropies and quantum entanglement^Ô, Physica A 306, 316-322 (2002). (18) H. Meyer-Ortmanns, P. T. Landsberg, S. Abe, A. K. Rajagopal, and T. Yamano, ^ÓA note on limitations of standard thermodynamics^Ô, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 1 1, 457-460 (2002).