1) Metastability and Non extensive statistical mechanics ----------------------------------------------------------------- Collaborations: Stefano Ruffo, Julien Barre, Freddy Bouchet We have recently shown and explained the striking emergence of coherent structures in the HMF model. We think that this model is a good candidate, in its ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic version, to study precisely not only anomalous diffusion, but also to test the generalized statistical Mechanics proposed by Tsallis and collaborators. 2) Reduced model for the description of radiation matter ----------------------------------------------------------------- Collaborations: Stefano Ruffo, Julien Barre, Freddy Bouchet, Antonio Politi We would like to study a recently proposed model which describe light matter interaction and collision with an external buffer gaz. The model based on the CARL model include a self-consistent treament of the Bloch Maxwell equations and of the recoil due to the pump field. As dynamical quantities show striking similarities with the HMF model that we solved recently, we would like to apply similar techniques in the Hamiltonian limit of this model 3) Clustering and ensembles inequivalence in mean-field hamiltonian models ----------------------------------------------------------------- Collaborations: Stefano Ruffo, Stefano Lepri We would like to investigate a model of globally coupled conservative oscillators. Two different algebraic potentials are considered that display either a first or second order phase transition in the canonical ensemble. The stability of highly clustered states is studied analytically. Numerical simulations show that ensemble equivalence breaks down for some class of initial data. -- %--------------------------------------------------------------- % Thierry DAUXOIS | Phone : (33) 4 72 72 81 38 % Laboratoire de Physique | Fax : (33) 4 72 72 80 80 % ENS-LYON | e-mail: Thierry.Dauxois@ens-lyon.fr % 46, allee d'Italie | http://www.ens-lyon.fr/~tdauxois % F-69007 LYON, FRANCE %---------------------------------------------------------------