Iniziativa Specifica: FI11

Responsabile Nazionale: A. Cappelli

Elenco dei Partecipanti

Sezione di FI Responsabile Locale: Andrea Cappelli
Nome e Cognome Ruolo Incarico In.Sp.1 Tempo (%) In.Sp.2 Tempo (%) In.Sp.3 Tempo (%) Altri Gruppi Tempo (%) Commenti
BAGNOLI Franco Ricercatore Universitario Associato FI11

INFM Sez. G (B) Fi
Ric. Univ. Dipart. Energetica Firenze
CAPPELLI Andrea Dirigente di Ricerca INFN Dipendente FI11

COLOMO Filippo Ricercatore INFN Dipendente FI11

LIVI Roberto Professore Associato Associato FI11

INFM Sez. G (B) Fi.

PETTINI Marco Altro Associato FI11

INFM Sez. G (B) Fi
Ricercatore Ist.Naz.Astrofisica
RICCARDI Mauro Dottorando Associato FI11

XVI Ciclo
RUFFO Stefano Professore Associato Associato FI11

INFM Sez. G (B) Fi.
Dip. Energetica
TOGNETTI Valerio Professore Ordinario Associato FI11


Sezione di GE Responsabile Locale: Nicodemo Magnoli
Nome e Cognome Ruolo Incarico In.Sp.1 Tempo (%) In.Sp.2 Tempo (%) In.Sp.3 Tempo (%) Altri Gruppi Tempo (%) Commenti
Magnoli Nicodemo Ricercatore Universitario Ricerca FI11

Merlo Matteo Dottorando Associato FI11

XVI| Ciclo

Sezione di TS Responsabile Locale: Giuseppe Mussardo
Nome e Cognome Ruolo Incarico In.Sp.1 Tempo (%) In.Sp.2 Tempo (%) In.Sp.3 Tempo (%) Altri Gruppi Tempo (%) Commenti
Controzzi Davide Borsista Post-Doc Associato FI11

Ott 2004
Delfino Gesualdo Professore Associato Associato FI11

Feverati Giovanni Borsista Post-Doc Associato FI11

Ott 2005
Grinza Paolo Borsista Post-Doc Associato FI11

Ott 2004
Mossa Alessandro Borsista Associato FI11

SISSA, Ott. 2004
Mussardo Giuseppe Professore Ordinario Ricerca FI11

Ponsot Benedicte Borsista Post-Doc Associato FI11

Ott. 2005
Riva Valentina Borsista Associato FI11

Ott 2004 SISSA



Statistical Mechanics is a traditional subject in Florence, which
has been accounted for by this 20-year old INFN initiative.
All the people have a quantum field theory background, and thus have been
investigating the fruitful relations and analogies among statistical
mechanics, condensed matter and particle physics.
The main theme is the study of exactly solvable models in two dimensions,
namely the conformal field theories and the integrable systems,
and their application to statistical mechanics and condensed matter problems.
Exact solutions provide the tools to understand many physical problems
which are characterized by strong interactions and non-perturbative effects.
These same problems are also investigated by a variety of numerical methods,
and the comparison between the two approaches can often be done.

There is a rather broad spectrum of strongly-interacting systems in
statistical mechanics, and, similarly, there are many subjects
analyzed by the participants of this INFN Initiative.
Among others, let us mention the quantum Hall effect and in general
the strongly-interacting electron systems in low dimension,
the random and disordered systems, the open systems out of equilibrium,
the many-body dynamical systems and the approach to equilibrium near
a phase transition.

The exactly solvable field theories in two dimensions can also be
applied to rather different domains, like the model building
in String Theory (here condensed-matter analogies have been very fruitful).

The main interests of the participants are:

A. Cappelli: conformal field theories applied to condensed matter and
statistical mechanics;

M. Riccardi: as above;

F. Colomo: quantum field theories and integrable systems
applied to condensed matter and statistical mechanics;

M. Pettini: statistical mechanics and dynamical systems with many degrees
of freedom;

F. Bagnoli: as above;

R. Livi: as above;

S. Ruffo: as above;

V. Tognetti: magnetic systems in low dimensions,
applications of the path integral to condensed-matter problems

N. Magnoli, M.Merlo: conformal field theories and integrable systems
applied to condensed matter and statistical mechanics;

G. Mussardo: conformal field theories and integrable systems
applied to condensed matter and statistical mechanics;

G. Delfino, D. Controzzi, P. Grinza: as above;

A. Mossa, P. Mosconi, V. Riva: as above;

Elenco delle Pubblicazioni

Sezione di FI Responsabile Locale: Andrea Cappelli
1) A.Cappelli, M.Huerta, G.Zemba,Thermal Transport in Chiral Conformal Theories and Hierarchical Quantum Hall States,Nucl Phys B 636 (2002) 568
2) F. Colomo, Area versus length distribution for closed random walks; Counting non planar diagrams: an exact formula, J.Phys.A 36 (2003)1539
3) Ciraolo G., Pettini M.,``Geometry of chaos in models of stellar dynamics'',Cel. Mech. & Dyn. Astron. 83, 171 (2002)
4) Clementi C., Pettini M.,``A geometric interpretation of integrable motions'',Cel. Mech. & Dyn. Astron. 84, 263 (2002)
5) Cipriani P., Pettini M.,``Strong chaos in N-body problem and microcanonical Thermodynamics of collisionless self-gravitating systems'',Astr. & Space Science 283, 347 (2003)
6) Casetti L., Pettini M., E.G.D. Cohen,``Phase transitions and Topology Changes in Configuration Space'', J. Stat. Phys. 111, 1091 (2003)
7) Angelani l., Casetti L., Pettini M., Ruocco G., Zamponi F.,``Topological signature of First Order Phase Transitions in a mean-field model'',Europhys. Lett. 62, 775 (2003)
8) Amato E., Pettini M., Salvati M.,``Non-collisional cross-field diffusion of relativistic electrons'',Astronomy & Astrophysics 402, 819 (2003)
9) R. Khomeriki, S. Lepri and S. Ruffo:''Excitation of travelling multibreathers in anharmonic chains", Physica D, 168-169, 152 (2002)
10) J. Barre', F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois and S. Ruffo:"Birth and long-time stabilization of out-of-equilibrium coherent structures", Eur. Phys. J. B 29, 577 (2002)
11) M. Antoni, A. Torcini and S. Ruffo:"First and second order clustering transitions for a system with infinite-range attractive interactions", Phys. Rev. E, Rapid Comm, 66, 025103 (2002)
12) J. Barre', F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois and S. Ruffo: "Out-of-equilibrium states as statistical equilibria of an effective dynamics in a system with long-range interactions'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 110601 (2002)
13) A.Cuccoli, T.Roscilde, V.Tognetti, R.Vaia, P.Verrucchi, Quantum Monte Carlo study of S=1/2 weakly-anisotropic two-dimensional antiferromagnets on the square lattice, Phys. Rev. B 67, 104414 (2003)
14) A.Cuccoli, T.Roscilde, V.Tognetti, R.Vaia, P.Verrucchi, Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of two-dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnets with very weak easy-plane anisotropy, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 7640 (2003)

Sezione di GE Responsabile Locale: Nicodemo Magnoli
1) B. Kramer, E. Mariani, N. Magnoli, M. Merlo, F. Napoli, M. Sassetti,Spin-Singlet Pairing of Composite Fermions, Phys. stat. sol. B234, No. 1, 221-232 (2002)
2) B. Kramer, E. Mariani, N. Magnoli, M. Merlo, F. Napoli, M.Sassetti, Disorder, interactions and spin at the coincidence of twohalf-filled Landau Levels, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn." 72, 42 (2003).
3) E. Mariani, N. Magnoli, F. Napoli, M. Sassetti, and B. Kramer,Spin-pairing instabilities at the coincidence of two Landau levels,Phys. Rev. B 66, 241303 (2002)

Sezione di TS Responsabile Locale: Giuseppe Mussardo
3) D. Controzzi, F. Essler, Dynamical density correlation function of 1D Mott insulators in a magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 66, 165112 (2002)
4) P. Grinza, A. Rago,Study of the 2d Ising Model with mixed perturbation, Nucl.Phys. B651 (2003) 387-412


Sezione di FI Responsabile Locale: Andrea Cappelli
Autore Titolo Relatore Tesi di: Iniz.Spec.

Sezione di GE Responsabile Locale: Nicodemo Magnoli
Autore Titolo Relatore Tesi di: Iniz.Spec.

Sezione di TS Responsabile Locale: Giuseppe Mussardo
Autore Titolo Relatore Tesi di: Iniz.Spec.
1)Mosconi Paola Disordered Systems and Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory Giuseppe Mussardo Dottorato FI11

Consuntivo per l'anno 2003 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Richieste per l'anno 2004 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 5 6 8 0 19
GE 2 1 3 0 6
TS 4 6 10 0 20
Totali 11 13 21 0 45

Assegnazioni per l'anno 2004 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Ulteriori Richieste 1 per l'anno 2004 (cifre in KEuro)

(Da richiedere solo durante l'anno 2004 )

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Ulteriori Assegnazioni 1 per l'anno 2004 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Ulteriori Richieste 2 per l'anno 2004 (cifre in KEuro)

(Da richiedere solo durante l'anno 2004 )

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Ulteriori Assegnazioni 2 per l'anno 2004 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Ulteriori Richieste 3 per l'anno 2004 (cifre in KEuro)

(Da richiedere solo durante l'anno 2004 )

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Ulteriori Assegnazioni 3 per l'anno 2004 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Totale Assegnazioni per l'anno 2004 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. FI Richieste per l'anno 2004
The Florence group is asking 3k Euro of Italian missions
to continue the series of periodic internal meetings of the
FI11 collaboration

Filippo Colomo is asking 2 KEuro for inviting
Andrei G. Pronko for one month for collaboration on
``Exact results in Integrable Models of Statistical Mechanics''
(curriculum vitae at

M. Pettini is asking 2 kEuro to visit for two weeks the CPT,
Luminy, Marseille, and to visit for two weeks the Department
des Recherches sur la Fusion Controlee,
Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Cadarache, to collaborate
on ``Control of chaos and transport in thermonuclear fusion plasmas''.

A. Cappelli is asking 2 kEuro to invite G.Zemba
(Buenos Aires) for a month to collaborate on
``Non-commutative field theories and
the quantum Hall effect''

S. Ruffo is asking 2 kEuro to invite David Mukamel
(Weizmann) for a month to collaborate on
``non equilibrium phase transitions and properties of
systems with long-range interactions''
Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. FI Ulteriori Richieste 1 per l'anno 2004

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. FI Ulteriori Richieste 2 per l'anno 2004

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. FI Ulteriori Richieste 3 per l'anno 2004

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. GE Richieste per l'anno 2004
N. Magnoli is asking 1 kEuro to invite R. Guida
from SPhT, Saclay, to collaborate on renormalization and
computation of form factors and finite amplitudes
in two-dimensional quantum field theory
Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. GE Ulteriori Richieste 1 per l'anno 2004

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. GE Ulteriori Richieste 2 per l'anno 2004

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. GE Ulteriori Richieste 3 per l'anno 2004

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. TS Richieste per l'anno 2004
The Trieste group is asking 3k Euro for Italian missions
to continue the series of periodic internal meetings of the
FI11 collaboration

G.Mussardo is asking 2 kEuro to visit G.Sotkov,
Sau Paulo (Brasile) for a month to continue to collaborate
on "Finite temperature and finite volume Quantum Field Theory"

G.Mussardo is asking 1 kEuro to visit Fedor Smirnov,
Univ. Paris VI, for two weeks to collaborate on
"Massless Form Factors in WZW Models"

G. Mussardo is asking 2 kEuro to invite A. Sedrakyan, Yerevan
Univ, for a month and collaborate with the Trieste group on
the project "Lattice Models and 3 D Ising Models"

G. Mussardo is asking 4 kEuro to invite P.Pierce
Melbourne Univ, for 2 months and collaborate with the Trieste
group on the project "Boundary Field Theories"

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. TS Ulteriori Richieste 1 per l'anno 2004

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. TS Ulteriori Richieste 2 per l'anno 2004

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. TS Ulteriori Richieste 3 per l'anno 2004


Elenco Descrizione Attivita':

Sezione di FI

- A. Cappelli, M. Riccardi, G.R. Zemba;
``Noncommutative field theories and the quantum Hall effect''
Study the description of the Laughlin Hall state in terms of
the non-commutative Chern-Simons field theory as proposed by L. Susskind.

- A.Cappelli, G. D'Appollonio, M. Zabzine
``Boundary conformal field theories''
Develop a Landau-Ginzburg description of the boundary
states and of the boundary renormalization-group flows.
Proof that the boundary entropy monotonically decreases along these flows.

- F. Colomo, A. G. Pronko
``Finite-size corrections to the Partition Function of the 6-vertex model''
The six vertex model with domain wall boundary condition has been subjet
to a revival of interest in recent times, due to its deep connection
with the theory of alternating sign matrix and domino tiling. At the
moment the partition function is known only in the thermodynamic
limit, but we are building a systematic procedure to compute finite size
corrections, based on the representation of the partition function
as a Freedholm determinant of an integral operator. We are moreover
investigating exact evaluation of the partition function at some
specific values of the deformation parameter of the model.

- M. Pettini, R. Franzosi, L. Casetti
``Topological theory of phase transitions''
Investigation of the kind of topological changes of equipotential
hypersurfaces of configuration space which entail phase transitions.
Study of the way of recognizing first order, second order and glassy
phase transitions within the differential-topological approach.

- M. Pettini, G. Ciraolo, R. Lima, M. Vittot, Ph. Ghendrih
``Control of chaos and transport in thermonuclear fusion plasmas''
Improvement and extension of the successful method that we have recently
developed to control chaotic transport in Hamiltonian systems.
Application of the method to more realistic models of anomalous transport
in thermonuclear controlled fusion devices of the tokamak type.

- S. Ruffo, M. Antoni, J. Barre', T. Dauxois, M.C. Firpo, H. Hinrichsen,
F. Leyvraz, D. Mukamel
``Dynamics and statistics in systems with long-range interactions''
Long-range interactions lead to inequivalences between the canonical and
microcanonical ensambles and to metastable states whose lifetime
goes to infinity with the size of the system.

- S. Ruffo, R. Khomeriki, S. Lepri
``Localized excitations in non-linear lattices''
Clusters of ``breathers'' can be produced in the FPU lattices by
exciting the modes at the band edges.

- S. Ruffo, H. Larralde, F. Leyvraz, G. Martinez-Mekler, R. Rechtman
``Diffusion in the Lorentz gas model''
The random walk model nicely represents the diffusive motion in
the diluted Lorentz gas model.

- S. Ruffo, D. Fanelli, M. Merafina
``Toy models of globular clusters''
Adsorbing boundary conditions reproduce the King distributions of
self-gravitating clusters.

- F. Bagnoli, F. Franci, R. Rechtman
"Out of equilibrium phase transitions in systems with absorbing states
with applications to the pinching synchronizaton mechanism"
We study phase transitions in system which present one or more absorbing
states and are thus not mappable onto equilibrium systems. In particular,
Synchronization of dynamical systems with all-or-nothing mechanism
(pinching) belongs to this class of phase transitions and can be applied
to study dynamical properties of systems that exhibit irregular behavior
in the presence of stability to infinitesimal perturbations.

- F. Bagnoli, F. Franci
"Models of protein-substrate interactions and protein folding"
We investigate the out-of-equilibrium features of protein stretched by
atomic force microscopy my means of lattice models. Similar models are
used to schematize the interaction between proteins and a substrate (for
instance an antibody) or as toy models for protein folding. We apply part
of the data extracted from these toy models in a data-analysis algorithm
with the goals of forecasting protein-substrate affinity from data stored
in a database.

"On some representations of the six vertex model partition function",
submitted to Phys.Lett.A

Ciraolo G., Lima R., Vittot M., Pettini M., Figarella C., Ghendrih P.
``Controlling chaotic transport in a Hamiltonian model of interest to
magnetized plasmas''
Phys. Rev. Lett., (2003) submitted

Franzosi R., Pettini M., Spinelli L.
``Topology and Phase Transitions: Theorem on a necessary relation''
Comm. Math. Phys., (2003) submitted

T. Dauxois, S. Lepri and S. Ruffo:
"Clustering and ensembles inequivalence in the phi^4 and \phi^6
mean-field Hamiltonian models",
Commun in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, in press (2003)

F. Bagnoli, F. Cecconi, A. Flammini, A. Vespignani,
``Short period attractors and non-ergodic behavior in the
deterministic fixed energy sandpile model''
cond-mat/0207674 to appear in Europ. Phys. Lett. (2003)

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
``Statistical Field Theories'', Villa Olmo, Como, 18-23 June 2001,
Editors: Andrea Cappelli, Giuseppe Mussardo,
Kluwer, (2002), Dordrecht, NL

D. Fanelli, M. Merafina and S. Ruffo:
"A 1D toy model of globular cluster formation",
Proceedings of the Ninth Marcel Grossmann
Meeting, Rome, World Scientific, Vahe Gurzadyan,
and Robert T. Jantzen, Eds. (2002)

T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, E Arimondo, M. Wilkens
``Dynamics and thermodynamics of systems with long range interactions:
an introduction'',
in ``Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long Range Interactions'',
T.Dauxois, S. Ruffo, E. Arimondo, M. Wilkens Eds.,
Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 602, Springer (2002)

J. Barre', D. Mukamel, S. Ruffo,
``Ensemble inequivalence in mean-field models of magnetism''

T. Dauxois, V. Latora, A. Rapisarda, S. Ruffo and A. Torcini,
``The Hamiltonian Mean Field Model: from Dynamics to Statistical
Mechanics and back'',

F. Bagnoli, F. Franci and R. Rechtman,
``Opinion Formation and Phase Transitions in a Probabilistic
Cellular Automaton with Two Absorbing Phases''
in ``Cellular Automata'', S. Bandini, B. Chopard and M. Tomassini (editors),
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2002) p. 249.

Sezione di GE

- N. Magnoli, M. Caselle, P. Grinza, R. Guida
" Potts model and 2+1 gauge theories"
The study of correlators in the Potts model perturbed by
energy operator can give useful informations about
corresponding meson or baryon expectation values"

- N. Magnoli, M. Merlo, E. Mariani, M. Sassetti
``Effects of the spin the quantum Hall effect''
Developing the composite-fermion field theory approach, we are
analyzing the effects of the spin of the electrons, and we provided
an explanation of the plateaus in the spin polarization.


B. Kramer, E. Mariani, N. Magnoli, M. Merlo, F. Napoli, M. Sassetti,
``Composite Fermions with spin 1/2``,
"Proceedings of the International School of Physics"
Enrico Fermi, Quantum Phenomena in Mesoscopic Physics, Varenna, Luglio 2002.

Sezione di TS

G. Feverati, B. Ponsot


``Exact correlators in massive integrable models''
Continuation of the study of the spectral series for correlation
functions, exact resummation and associated nonlinear
differential equations.

``Non-integrable quantum field theory''
Formation of bound states and confinement of topological
excitations, application to nonlinear sigma models with
topologic terms within the framework of form factor perturbation
theory applied to massless theories. Study of the phase diagrams
of several models, including Ising model and double-Sine Gordon

``Quantum field theory at finite temperature and finite volume''
A new approach has been developed to deal with finite
temperature problem. This consists in quantising the theory
at finite volume by semi-classical method and extracting in
this way the exact matrix elements in finite volume.
Correlation functions can be recovered using their spectral

``Field theory of scaling lattice models''
Study of the role of lattice symmetries in the continuum limit of
critical antiferromagnet; computation of universal characteristics
of the scaling region; numerical investigation of analytic
properties through the truncated conformal space approach.

``Boundary field theory and surface phase diagrams''
Continue the study of the effects induced on field theories and
strongly correlated systems by the boundary conditions and their
relative boundary flows.

P. Grinza, N. Magnoli
e-Print Archive: hep-th/0306100

M. Caselle, P. Grinza, R. Guida, N. Magnoli
e-Print Archive: hep-th/0306086

P. Grinza, A. Rago
Finite temperature results on the Ising model with mixed perturbation
e-Print Archive: cond-mat/0210046

G. Delfino, G. Mussardo
Talk given at Workshop on Integrable Theories, Solitons and Duality,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1-6 Jul 2002.
Published in JHEP Proceedings