Iniziativa Specifica: FI11

Responsabile Nazionale: A. Cappelli

Elenco dei Partecipanti

Sezione di FI Responsabile Locale: Andrea Cappelli
Nome e Cognome Ruolo Incarico In.Sp.1 Tempo (%) In.Sp.2 Tempo (%) In.Sp.3 Tempo (%) Altri Gruppi Tempo (%) Commenti
ANTONIAZZI Andrea Dottorando Associato FI11

XIX Ciclo - Dinamica non lineare sistemi complessi
BAGNOLI Franco Ricercatore Universitario Associato FI11

ex - INFM

Ric. Univ. Dipart. Energetica Firenze
CAPPELLI Andrea Dirigente di Ricerca INFN Dipendente FI11

CASETTI Lapo Ricercatore Universitario Ricerca FI11

ex - INFM

COLOMO Filippo Ricercatore INFN Dipendente FI11

LIVI Roberto Professore Associato Associato FI11
ex - INFM

PETTINI Marco Altro Associato FI11

ex - INFM

Ricercatore Ist.Naz.Astrofisica
PRONKO Andrei Borsista Post-Doc Associato FI11

Borsa INFN 1/9/2004 - 31/8/2006
RODRIGUEZ Ivan Diego Dottorando Associato FI11

XX Ciclo
RUFFO Stefano Professore Associato Associato FI11

ex - INFM

Dip. Energetica
TOGNETTI Valerio Professore Ordinario Associato FI11

ex - INFM

ZILLMER Ruediger Borsista Post-Doc Associato FI11

Borsa INFN - 1/9/2004 - 31/8/2006

Sezione di GE Responsabile Locale: Nicodemo Magnoli
Nome e Cognome Ruolo Incarico In.Sp.1 Tempo (%) In.Sp.2 Tempo (%) In.Sp.3 Tempo (%) Altri Gruppi Tempo (%) Commenti
Magnoli Nicodemo Ricercatore Universitario Ricerca FI11

Sezione di TS Responsabile Locale: Giuseppe Mussardo
Nome e Cognome Ruolo Incarico In.Sp.1 Tempo (%) In.Sp.2 Tempo (%) In.Sp.3 Tempo (%) Altri Gruppi Tempo (%) Commenti
Controzzi Davide Borsista Post-Doc Associato FI11

Ott 2006
Delfino Gesualdo Professore Associato Associato FI11

Feverati Giovanni Borsista Ass. Ric. Associato FI11

Ott 2005
Mussardo Giuseppe Professore Ordinario Ricerca FI11

Niccoli Giuliano Dottorando Associato FI11

SISSA Ott 2006
Ponsot Benedicte Borsista Post-Doc Associato FI11

Ott. 2006



This INFN initiative represents a 25-year long tradition of studies in Statistical Mechanics
that developed in Florence and other Italian places.
All the people have a quantum field theory background, and thus have been
investigating the fruitful relations and analogies among statistical
mechanics, condensed matter and particle physics.
The main theme is the study of exactly solvable models in two dimensions,
namely the conformal field theories and the integrable systems,
and their application to statistical mechanics and condensed matter problems.
Exact solutions provide the tools to understand many physical problems
which are characterized by strong interactions and non-perturbative effects.
These same problems are also investigated by a variety of numerical methods,
and the comparison between the two approaches can often be done.

There is a rather broad spectrum of strongly-interacting systems in
statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics, and, accordingly,
there are several research lines in this INFN Initiative.
Among others, let us mention the quantum Hall effect and in general
the strongly-interacting electron systems in low dimension, the random and
disordered systems, the many-body dynamical systems and the approach to equilibrium near
a phase transition.
Exactly solvable field theories in two dimensions can also be
applied to rather different domains, like the model building
in String Theory (here condensed-matter analogies have been rather fruitful).

Florence Group
A. Cappelli, F. Colomo, A. Pronko: conformal field theories and integrable systems
applied to condensed matter and statistical mechanics;

A. Antoniazzi, F. Bagnoli, L. Casetti, R. Livi, M. Pettini, S. Ruffo, R. Zillmer:
statistical mechanics and dynamical systems with many degrees of freedom;
trasport theory and the approach to thermal equilibrium;

V. Tognetti: magnetic systems in low dimensions,
applications of the path integral to condensed-matter problems

Genova group
N. Magnoli: conformal field theories and integrable systems
applied to condensed matter and statistical mechanics;

Trieste group
D. Controzzi, G. Delfino, G. Feverati, A. Michelangeli, G. Mussardo, G. Niccoli:
conformal field theories and integrable systems applied to condensed matter
and statistical mechanics;

B. Ponsot: Liouville theory and integrable systems applied to String Theory
and quantum gravity.

Florence Group
In the context of conformal field theory and integrable systems,
the recent achievements concern the analysis of boundary conditions,
their multicritical properties and their effect on the integrability of the system on the lattice.
In the future, we shall describe the properties of defect lines in conformal field theory
and obtain further exact results in the 6-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions.

Regarding the field theoretical descriptions of the quantum Hall effect,
we expect to completely understand the mapping of Laughlin electrons into
the Chern-Simons matrix model and to develop the associated non-commutative
field theory.

Among the several research lines of statistical mechanics and dynamical systems
described in the Activity Report, we would like to point out the progresses in understanding
the systems with unscreened long-range interactions,
their phases and the dynamics of their quasi-stationary states.
Here we shall describe the physical signatures of the relaxation
to the quasi-stationary states.
Another important sector of investigations concerns the anomalous transport properties
of one-dimensional systems and the associated dynamics out of equilibrium.
The future developments are expected to explain the heat transport in
realistic models of polymers and carbon nanotubes.

Genova group
In the framework of conformal perturbation theory, we have studied the Ising
model perturbed by the magnetic field by using analytical and numerical techniques (TCS).
For the future we plan to study the 3-point function of magnetization
operators in the Potts model.

In the framework of Chern-Simons Composite Fermion theories for
the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, we have studied the possible mechanisms
for the formation of electron pairs and paired states.
Further studies in the quantum Hall effect will consider the issues of fractional charge
and statistics for quasiparticles, using both the Chern-Simons approach and
the one-dimensional Chiral Luttinger theory of boundary excitations.

Trieste group
The recent results include the determination of universal quantities for
scaling lattice models, the semiclassical study of the double sine-Gordon model,
the study of the mass spectrum of the O(3) sigma model with theta term, the
quasiparticle description of conformal field theories, the determination
of structure constants for the boundary Liouville theory, the study
of boundary renormalisation group flows.

The research activity on these topics will be continued, with particular
attention for the study of lattice models directly in the scaling limit
through field theoretical methods, the characterisation of the operator
space of massive integrable models within the form factor approach and
the perturbative and semiclassical study of integrability breaking effects.

Elenco delle Pubblicazioni

Sezione di FI Responsabile Locale: Andrea Cappelli
1) A. Cappelli, G. D'Appollonio, M. Zabzine,Landau-Ginzburg Description of Boundary Critical Phenomena in Two Dimensions,JHEP 0404 (2004) 010
2) F.Colomo, A.G.Pronko, On the partition function of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions, Jour. Phys. A37 (2004) 1987
3) R. Franzosi, and M. Pettini, Theorem on the origin of Phase Transitions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 060601 (2004)
4) G. Ciraolo, C. Chandre, R. Lima, M. Vittot, M. Pettini, C. Figarella, P. Ghendrih, Controlling chaotic transport in a Hamiltonian model of interest to magnetized plasmas, J. Phys. A 37, 3589 (2004)
5) T. Dauxois, S. Lepri and S. Ruffo, Clustering and ensembles inequivalence in the phi^4 and phi^6 mean-field Hamiltonian models,Commun. in Nonlinear Science and Numer. Simul. 8, 375 (2003).
6) C. Pennetta, E. Alfinito, L. Reggiani and S. Ruffo, Non gaussianity of resistance flutuations near electrical breakdown, Semic. Sci. Techn. 19, S164 (2004)
7) Y.Y. Yamaguchi, J. Barre', F. Bouchet, T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, Stability criteria of the Vlasov equation and quasi-stationary states of the HMF model, Physica A 337, 36 (2004).
8) R. Khomeriki, Y.A. Kosevich and S. Ruffo, Supersonic discrete kink-solitons and sinusoidal patterns with magic wavenumber in anharmonic lattices, Europhys. Lett. 66, 21 (2004).
9) J. Barre', T. Dauxois, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo, Statistical theory of high-gain free-electron laser saturation, Phys. Rev. E 69, 045501 (2004).
10) M. Antoni, A. Torcini, S. Ruffo, First-order microcanonical transitions in finite mean-field models, Europhys. Lett. 66, 645 (2004)
11) Bagnoli F, Cecconi F, Flammini A, Vespignani A, Short-period attractors and non-ergodic behavior in the deterministic fixed-energy sandpile model, Europhys. Lett. 63 (2003) 512
12) S. Lepri, R. Livi and A. Politi, Thermal Conduction in Classical Low-dimesional Lattices, Phys. Rep. 377, 1 (2003).
13) H. Kunz, R. Livi and A, Suto, A Mechanical Model of normal and anomalous diffusion, Phys. Rev. E 67,011102 (2003)
14) F. Piazza, S. Lepri and R. Livi, Cooling nonlinear lattices toward localization, Chaos 13, 637 (2003).
15) F. Ginelli, R. Livi, A. Politi and A. Torcini, Relationship between directed percolation and the synchronization transition in spatially extended systems, Phys. Rev. E 67, 046217 (2003)
16) R. Livi and S. Lepri, Heat in One Dimension, Nature 421, 327 (2003).
17) H. Hinrichsen, R. Livi, D. Mukamel, A. Politi, Wetting under nonequilibrium conditions, Phys. Rev. E 68, 041606 (2003).
18) F.Colomo, A.G.Pronko, On some representations of the six-vertex model partition function, Phys. Lett. A315 (2003) 231
19) L.Capriotti, A.Fubini, T.Roscilde and V.Tognetti, Ising Transition in the two dimensional quantum J1-J2 Heisenberg model, Phys.Rev.Lett 92, 157202 (2004)

Sezione di GE Responsabile Locale: Nicodemo Magnoli
1) P. Grinza e N. Magnoli, On the magnetic perturbation of the Ising model on the sphere, J.Phys. A36 (2003) L509
2) M. Caselle, P. Grinza, R. Guida e N. Magnoli, A new class of short distance universal amplitude ratios, J.Phys. A37 (2004) L47

Sezione di TS Responsabile Locale: Giuseppe Mussardo
1) G. Mussardo, V. Riva, G. Sotkov, SEMICLASSICAL PARTICLE SPECTRUM OF DOUBLE SINE-GORDON MODEL, Nucl. Phys. B 687, 189 (2004)
2) D. Controzzi, G. Mussardo, ON THE MASS SPECTRUM OF THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL O(3) SIGMA MODEL WITH THETA TERM, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 21601 (2004)
3) G. Mussardo, V. Riva, G. Sotkov, FINITE VOLUME FORM-FACTORS IN SEMICLASSICAL APPROXIMATION, Nucl. Phys. B 670, 464 (2003)
6) D. Controzzi, K. Schoutens, ON THE QUASIPARTICLE DESCRIPTION OF C = 1 CFTS, J. Phys. A 37, 4289 (2004)
8) G. Feverati, EXACT (D) ---> (+)&(-) BOUNDARY FLOW IN THE TRICRITICAL ISING MODEL, JSTAT 0403, P001 (2004)
9) G. Feverati, P. A. Pearce, F. Ravanini, EXACT PHI(1,3) BOUNDARY FLOWS IN THE TRICRITICAL ISING MODEL, Nucl. Phys. B 675, 469 (2003)
12) I. K. Kostov, B. Ponsot, D. Serban, BOUNDARY LIOUVILLE THEORY AND 2-D QUANTUM GRAVITY, Nucl.Phys.B683, 309 (2004)


Sezione di FI Responsabile Locale: Andrea Cappelli
Autore Titolo Relatore Tesi di: Iniz.Spec.
1)Mauro RICCARDI Applications of Noncommutative Geometry to the Quantum Hall Effect A. Cappelli Dottorato FI11

Sezione di GE Responsabile Locale: Nicodemo Magnoli
Autore Titolo Relatore Tesi di: Iniz.Spec.
1)CIRIO Lucio Coomologia equivariante e teorie super Yang-Mills Nicodemo Magnoli, Ugo Bruzzo Laurea FI11
2)PEZZOLI Maria Elisabetta Stati di Edge nell'Effetto Hall Quantistico Frazionario Maura Sassetti, Nicodemo Magnoli Laurea FI11

Sezione di TS Responsabile Locale: Giuseppe Mussardo
Autore Titolo Relatore Tesi di: Iniz.Spec.
1)Alessandro Mossa Analytic properties of the free energy in the tricritical Ising model G. Mussardo Dottorato FI11
2)Valentina Riva Semiclassical QFT on plane and cylindrical geometries G. Mussardo Dottorato FI11

Consuntivo per l'anno 2004 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 4 3.5 8 0 15.5
GE 3.5 1 2.5 0 7
TS 4 4 12 0 20
Totali 11.5 8.5 22.5 0 42.5

Richieste per l'anno 2005 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 5 8.5 12 0 25.5
GE 2 1 2 0 5
TS 4 3 11.5 0 18.5
Totali 11 12.5 25.5 0 49

Assegnazioni per l'anno 2005 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 3.5 2 9 0 14.5
GE 0.5 0.5 1.5 0 2.5
TS 2 1 5.5 0 8.5
Totali 6 3.5 16 0 25.5

Ulteriori Richieste 1 per l'anno 2005 (cifre in KEuro)

(Da richiedere solo durante l'anno 2005 )

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 2 3 6 0 11
GE 0.5 0 0.5 0 1
TS 2 1.5 4 0 7.5
Totali 4.5 4.5 10.5 0 19.5

Ulteriori Assegnazioni 1 per l'anno 2005 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Ulteriori Richieste 2 per l'anno 2005 (cifre in KEuro)

(Da richiedere solo durante l'anno 2005 )

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 3.5 0 3.5
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 1.5 4 0 5.5
Totali 0 1.5 7.5 0 9

Ulteriori Assegnazioni 2 per l'anno 2005 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Ulteriori Richieste 3 per l'anno 2005 (cifre in KEuro)

(Da richiedere solo durante l'anno 2005 )

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Ulteriori Assegnazioni 3 per l'anno 2005 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 0 0 0 0 0
GE 0 0 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0 0 0
Totali 0 0 0 0 0

Totale Assegnazioni per l'anno 2005 (cifre in KEuro)

Sezione Interno Inviti Estero Altro Totale
FI 3.5 2 0 9 14.5
GE 0.5 0.5 0 1.5 2.5
TS 2 1 0 5.5 8.5
Totali 6 3.5 0 16 25.5

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. FI Richieste per l'anno 2005
The Florence group is asking 3kEuro of Italian missions 
to continue the series of period internal meetings of
the FI11 collaboration

A. Cappelli is asking 1.5kEuro for visiting G. D'Appollonio
at the Phys. Dept, King's College, London, for 2 weeks
for collaboration on ``Defect lines in conformal field

F. Bagnoli is asking 1kE to participate to the Statistical
Mechanics meeting, Rutgers Univ.

M. Pettini is asking 1kE to visit the CPT-CNRS, Luminy,
Marseille, for two weeks to collaborate on ``Control
of chaos in Hamiltonian systems''.

A. Cappelli is asking 1.5kEuro for inviting P. Pearce of
the Dept. of Math and Statistics, Melbourne, for one
month for collaboratinf on ``Renormalization
group flows in boundary conformal field theory''

F. Bagnoli is asking 1.5kE for inviting R. Rechtman of the
Energy Research Center, Nat. Autonomous Univ. of
Mexico (UNAM), Mexico for one months for collaborating on
"Synchronization and propagation of information in
nonchaotic systems".

F. Colomo is asking 1.5KE for inviting V. S. Kapitonov
of St. Peterburg Techn. Inst., for one month for
collaboration on ``Exact results in Integrable Models
of Statistical Mechanics''

F. Colomo is asking 1.5KE for inviting N. M. Bogoliubov
from Steklov Inst., St Petersburg, for one month for
collaboration on ``Exact results in Integrable Models
of Statistical Mechanics''

L. Casetti is asking 1.5kE to invite M. Kastner,
Phys. Depth., Univ. of Bayreuth, for one month to
collaborate on ``Topology and microcanonical phase

R. Livi is asking 1kE for inviting H. Kunz, Lousanne
Polytech., for two weeks for collaborating on
``Out-of-equilibrium phase transitions in spin sytems and

Curriculum vitae of invited scientists are available
Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. FI Ulteriori Richieste 1 per l'anno 2005
New researcher: Ivan D. Rodriguez, Ph-D student, XX cycle,
supported by a EC fellowship.

The Florence group is asking 2kEuro of Italian missions
to continue the series of internal meetings of
the FI11 collaboration

F. Colomo is asking 1.5KEuro for partecipating to the program
"Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable Systems"
Montreal, 20 June-8 July 2005

A. Pronko is asking 1.5KEuro to partecipate to the
Amsterdam Summer Workshop: "Low-D Quantum Condensed Matter 2005"
Amsterdam, 25-30 July 2005

A. Cappelli is asking 1.5KEuro to partecipate to the
Amsterdam Summer Workshop: "Low-D Quantum Condensed Matter 2005"
Amsterdam, 25-30 July 2005

S. Ruffo is asking 1.5KEuro to participate to the
conference "News, Expectations and Trends in Statistical Physics
NEXT-SigmaPhi", Kolymbari CRETE, 13-18 August 2005.

F. Colomo and A. Pronko are asking 1.5KEuro for inviting
V. S. Kapitonov of St. Peterburg Techn. Inst., for one month
for collaboration on ``Exact results in Integrable Models
of Statistical Mechanics''

F. Colomo and A. Pronko are asking 1.5KEuro for inviting N. Reshetikhin,
of the Univ. of California at Berkeley, for one month for
collaboration on ``Exact results in Integrable Models
of Statistical Mechanics''
Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. FI Ulteriori Richieste 2 per l'anno 2005
S. Ruffo is asking 1.5KEuro to participate to the
conference "News, Expectations and Trends in Statistical
Physics NEXT-SigmaPhi", Kolymbari CRETE, 13-18 August 2005
(this is the reiteration of an earlier request not funded).

F. Colomo is aking 1KEuro to participate to the
conference ``Integrable Models and Applications:
from Strings to Condensed Matter'', Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 12-16 September 2005.

V. Tognetti is aking 1KEuro to participate to the
conference ``Integrable Models and Applications:
from Strings to Condensed Matter'', Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 12-16 September 2005.
Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. FI Ulteriori Richieste 3 per l'anno 2005

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. GE Richieste per l'anno 2005
N. Magnoli is asking 1kEuro of Italian missions to continue
the series of period internal meetings of the FI11

N. Magnoli is asking 1kEuro for inviting R. Guida of
Spht, Saclay, for two weeks for collaborating on
``Massive deformations of conformal field theories''
Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. GE Ulteriori Richieste 1 per l'anno 2005
N. Magnoli is asking .5kE on Italian missions to continue
the scientific exchanges internal to the Fi11 initiative.

N. Magnoli is asking 0.5KEuro to partecipate to the
Amsterdam Summer Workshop: "Low-D Quantum Condensed Matter 2005"
Amsterdam, 25-30 July 2005

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. GE Ulteriori Richieste 2 per l'anno 2005

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. GE Ulteriori Richieste 3 per l'anno 2005

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. TS Richieste per l'anno 2005
The Trieste group is asking 3kEuro of Italian missions 
to continue the series of period internal meetings of
the FI11 collaboration

Invitation of V. Fateev, Univ. of Montpellier, for 1 month,
for collaboration on non-linear sigma models, 1.5 KEuro.

Invitation of G. Sotkov, Univ. of Sofia, for 1 month,
for collaboration on semi-classical methods, 1.5 KEuro.

Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. TS Ulteriori Richieste 1 per l'anno 2005
The Trieste group is asking 2kEuro of Italian missions 
to continue the series of period internal meetings of
the FI11 collaboration

G. Mussardo asks 2 KEuro for participating to the APCTP
Focus Program: 20 June - 9 July 2005, Finite-Size
Technology in Low Dimensional Quantum Field Theory,
to be held in Pohang, Korea

G. Delfino asks 2 KEuro for participating to the APCTP
Focus Program: 20 June - 9 July 2005, Finite-Size
Technology in Low Dimensional Quantum Field Theory,
to be held in Pohang, Korea


Invitation of A. Sedrakian, Univ. of Erevan, for 1 month, for
collaboration on 3D Ising model, 1.5 KEuro.
Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. TS Ulteriori Richieste 2 per l'anno 2005
G. Mussardo asks 2 KEuro to participate to workshop "Low-D Quantum Condensed Matter 2005",
Amsterdam, July 2005

G. Feverati asks 1 KEuro to participate to the conference "Integrable models and applications",
Santiago de Compostela, September 2005

G. Niccoli asks 1 KEuro to participate to the conference "Integrable models and applications",
Santiago de Compostela, September 2005

Invitation of prof. A. Belavin, Landau Institute Moscow,
for 1 month, for collaboration on perturbed conformal
field theories, 1.5 KEuro.
Richieste Finanziarie: Sez. TS Ulteriori Richieste 3 per l'anno 2005

Elenco Descrizione Attivita':

Sezione di FI

New researchers:
A. Antoniazzi, Ph-D student; A. Pronko and R. Zillmer, INFN Postdocs;
L. Casetti, University permanent researcher.

- A. Cappelli, M. Riccardi, G.R. Zemba
``Noncommutative field theories and the quantum Hall effect''
Analyze the description of the Laughlin Hall state in terms of
the non-commutative Chern-Simons field theory as proposed by L. Susskind
in 2001: quantization of the corresponding Chern-Simons Matrix Model.
Study the quantum mechanics of electrons in the Landau levels when
one introduces a further non-commutatitivity among the coordinates.

- A.Cappelli, G. D'Appollonio, P. Pearce
``Boundary conformal field theories''
Study the renormalization-group flows that change the boundary conditions
in a conformal invariant theory, that are relevant for tachyon
condensation in string theory. Similar analysis of the defect lines
that can be introduced in the conformal theory.

- F. Colomo, A. G. Pronko
``Finite-size corrections to the Partition Function of the 6-vertex model''
The six vertex model with domain wall boundary condition is interesting for
its deep connection with the theory of alternating sign matrix and domino
tiling. The partition function is known only in the thermodynamic
limit, but we are computing the finite size corrections by representing
the partition function as a Freedholm determinant of an integral operator.
We are moreover investigating exact evaluation of the partition function
at some specific values of the deformation parameter of the model.

- M. Pettini, L. Casetti, R. Franzosi
``Topological theory of phase transitions''
The earlier explanation of the origin of phase transitions involving
concepts and methods of differential topology will be further developed.
We shall investige the topology changes of equipotential submanifolds of
configuration space which entail a thermodynamic phase transition.
The description of first order, second order and glassy phase
transitions within this differential-topological framework will be a main
research topic.

- L. Casetti, M. Kastner
``Topology and microcanonical phase transitions''
We plan to investigate the relation between topology changes of submanifolds
of configuration and phase spaces from the microcanonical point of view.
This research will be pursued considering simple models as well as studying
general properties of classes of physical systems.

- A. Antoniazzi, S. Ruffo, M. Antoni, J. Barre', T. Dauxois, H. Hinrichsen,
D. Mukamel
``Dynamics and thermodynamics in systems with long-range interactions''
Long-range interactions (e.g. gravity and Coulomb interactions) lead to
inequivalences between the canonical and microcanonical ensambles and to
metastable states whose lifetime goes to infinity with the size of the system.
We want to derive the thermodynamic limit properties of systems with
long-range interactions and to study the relaxation to equilibrium.
We have recently developed a general method, based on the theory of large
deviations, which allows to obtain the exact solution in the microcanonical
and canonical ensembles of a large class of models.
The quasi-stationary states, whose relaxation time diverges with system size,
have been related to stable stationary states of the Vlasov equation.
Next we would like to apply the large-deviation method to models describing
more "realistic" systems possessing both long and short-range interactions.
Moreover, we would like to find a physical signature of the relaxation to
quasi-stationary states: a first indication comes from
the analysis of the saturated state of the Free Electron Laser, as
described by the Colson-Bonifacio model.

- S. Ruffo, R. Khomeriki, S. Lepri
``Localized excitations in non-linear lattices''
Clusters of ``breathers'' can be produced in the FPU lattices by
exciting the modes at the band edges.

- F. Bagnoli, F. Franci, R. Rechtman
"Synchronization and impredictable behavior of nonchaotic systems"
We investigate the origin of unpredictability in extended systems
which are not chaotic from the usual point of view, and their
synchronization properties. In particular, we would like to study the
connection among damage spreading and our definition of finite-distance
Lyapunov exponent in discrete systems (cellular automata) and coupled map
lattices. We would like to obtain informations about the chaotic properties
of a system from its propension to synchronization with a replica of
the system itself.

- R. Livi, S.Lepri and A. Politi
"Study of transport in low-dimensional nonlinear and disordered systems"
We have pointed out the existence of the universality
classes characterizing the divergence of heat conductivity
for models in one space dimension.
We plan to study the anomalous heat transport in
realistic models of polymers and carbon nanotubes.

- R. Livi, S. Lepri, F. Piazza and A. Politi
" Study of localization phenomena in the presence of nonlinearity"
We have understood the mechanism of spontaneous formation
of localized periodic solutions in anharmonic lattices.
We want to describe the appearance of
localized solutions induced by periodic perturbations applied
to the boundaries of anharmonic lattices.

- R. Livi, A. Politi, A. Torcini and R. Zillmer
"Dynamical approach to neural networks dynamics"
This is a new research line which is going to start
in fall 2004 in collaboration with the new INFN postdoc R. Zillmer.
We would like to characterize quantitatively
the robustness of information flow in single neurons
and neural networks in the presence of noise.

- V.Tognetti, C.Biagini, A.Varlamov, L. Capriotti
"Quantum fluctuations in superconductors"
We have studied quantum fluctuations of magnetic conductivity in
two-dimensional superconductors, including doping effects.
We plan to further analyze transport properties (conductivity, Hall
conductivity, thermal conductivity) near the superconductor-insulator
transition driven by doping-induced disorder.

Remaning funds at 23/06/2004
Italian trips 2.5kE, Invitations 1.25kE, Foreign trips 2.5kE
This remaining money is already allocated and will be spent completely

Sezione di GE

- N. Magnoli, M. Caselle, P. Grinza, R. Guida
``Massive deformations of conformal field theories''
In the framework of conformal perturbation theory we have studied,
by using analytical and numerical techniques (TCS), the Ising model
perturbed by the magnetic field on the plane and on the sphere.
For the future we plan study the 3-point function of magnetization
operators in Potts model.

- B. Kramer, N. Magnoli, M. Sassetti
``Effective field theories of the quantum Hall effect''
In the framework of Chern-Simons Composite Fermions (CSCF) theories for
the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), we have studied the effects of
interaction in a two-component Hall fluid at total filling factor 1,
addressing the competition between different paired states formation mechanisms.
We plan to investigate the issues of fractional charge and statistics for FQHE
quasiparticles, both with the CSCF approach and in the context of boundary
excitations described by the one-dimensional model of the Chiral Luttinger

Remaning funds at 23/06/2004
Italian trips 0 kE, Invitations 0.5kE, Foreign trips 0 kE

Sezione di TS

New researcher: G. Niccoli, A. Michelangeli, new Ph-D students

Research activities:

"Exact correlators and form factors in massive integrable models''
Classification of the operators by the solution of the Watson
equations of the form factors, study of the spectral series of
correlation functions and their exact resummation.

"Non-integrable quantum field theory''
Study of the mass spectrum and correction to scattering amplitudes.
Confinement of topological excitations and application to nonlinear
sigma models with topologic terms within the framework of form factor
perturbation theory applied to massless theories. Phase diagrams
of several models, including Ising model and double-Sine Gordon

"Semiclassical approach to quantum field theory"
A new formulation of semiclassical methods relying on classical solutions
of equations of motion allows the determination of finite size energies and
quantum matrix elements. This method proves to be efficient to study
non-integrable quantum field theories and field theories at finite volume.

"Quantum field theory at finite temperature and finite volume''
A new approach has been developed to deal with finite
temperature problem. This consists in quantising the theory
at finite volume by semi-classical method and extracting in
this way the exact matrix elements in finite volume.
Correlation functions can be recovered using their spectral

"Boundary Liouville theory and 2-D quantum gravity"
Study of boundary correlation functions in Liouville theory
and in solvable statistical models of 2D quantum gravity by means
of functional equations.

"Quasiparticle description of Conformal Field Theories"
Alternative description of massless excitations with fractional
statistics and fractional charges. This method shows interesting
connections with lattice models such as Calogero-Sutherland.

"Field theory of scaling lattice models''
Computation of universal features of the scaling region, including
the case of lines of critical points; study of
the role of lattice symmetries in the continuum limit of
critical antiferromagnets; numerical investigation of analytic
properties through the truncated conformal space approach.

"Boundary field theory and surface phase diagrams''
Study of the effects induced on field theories and strongly
correlated systems by the boundary conditions and their
relative boundary flows.

Remaning funds at 23/06/2004
Italian trips 1.3kE, Invitations 1kE, Foreign trips 3.5kE
This remaining money is already allocated and will be spent completely

Elenco delle Collaborazioni

Sezione di FI

Istituto - Collaboratore Note
1 CONICET, Buenos Aires / G.R. Zemba Quantum Hall Effect
2 King's College, London / G. D'Appollonio Boundary Conformal Field Theory
3 UNAM, Mexico City / R. Rechtman Synchronization in chaotic sytems
4 Steklov Inst., St. Petersburg / A. G. Pronko Integrable statistical models
5 CPT - CNRS, Luminy, Marseille / R. Lima and others Statistical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems
6 Phys Dept, Bayreuth, Germany / M. Kastner Topology and microcanonical phase transitions
7 Lab. Physique, ENS, Lyon / T. Dauxois and others Statisical mechanics with long-range forces
8 Hahn Meitner Inst., Berlin / D.H.E. Gross Statistical mechanics with long-range forces
9 DAMP, Kyoto Univ / Y. Y. Yamaguchi Statistical mechanics with long-range forces
10 Theory Div., Los Alamos / J. Barre' Relaxation to statistical equilibrium
11 Polytechnique, Lousanne / H. Kunz Out-of-equilibrium phase transitions
12 Weizmann Inst., Rehovot, Israel / D. Mukamel Complex systems
13 KIPT, Santa Barbara / L. Capriotti Quantum fluctuations in superfluids
14 Rockefeller University, New York / E. G. D. Cohen Topology and phase transitions

Sezione di GE

Istituto - Collaboratore Note
1 Dept. of Physics, Hamburg Univ. / B. Kramer Applications of Luttinger Theory
2 SPhT, Saclay / G. Guida Massive deformations of conformal field theories

Sezione di TS

Istituto - Collaboratore Note
1 SPhT, Saclay / R. Guida, I. Kostov and others integrable field theories
2 ITP, Amsterdam Univ. / K. Schoutens Conformal Field Theory applications to cond-mat
3 IFT, Univ. Estadual Paulista, Sao Paulo / G. Sotkov Exact S-matrices and bootstrap approaches
4 Dept. of Math. and Statistics, Univ. of Melbourne / P. Pearce Integrable lattice statistical models

Elenco degli Altri Lavori:

Sezione di FI
F.Colomo, A.G.Pronko, On the refined 3-enumeration of alternating sign matrices, preprint math-ph/0404045, submitted to Advances in Applied Mathematics
R. Franzosi, M. Pettini, L. Spinelli, Topology and Phase Transitions: Theorem on a necessary relation, Comm. Math. Phys., (2003) submitted, preprint math-ph/0305032
C. Chandre, M. Vittot, G. Ciraolo, Y. Elskens, M. Pettini, Controlling chaos in area-preserving maps, Physica D, (2004) submitted
L. Sguanci, D.H.E. Gross and S. Ruffo, Apparent fractal dimensions in the HMF model, submitted to Transport Theory and Statistical Mechanics
C. Pennetta, E. Alfinito, L. Reggiani and S. Ruffo, Nongaussian resistance noise near electrical breakdown in granular materials, Physica A (2004) in press.
F. Bagnoli, F. Franci, R. Rechtman, Phase transitions of extended-range probabilistic cellular automata with two absorbing states, preprint cond-mat/0405604
P. Bruscolini, A. Pelizzola, L. Casetti, Phase diagram of a simple model of water: a CVM and Monte Carlo analysis, in "Modeling of Complex Systems", Seventh Granada Lectures (2002), P. L. Garrido and J. Marro, eds., AIP Conf. Proc. 661 (New York, 2003).
R. Livi, S. Ruffo, D. Shepelyansky, Chapter I in ``Kolmogorov's legacy in physics'', R. Livi, A. Vulpiani Eds., Belin-Springer (2003)
F. Piazza, S. Lepri and R. Livi, Localization as an activated process in 2D non--linear lattices, Proc. Conf. on "Localization and energy transfer in nonlinear systems", World Scientific (2003).
S. Lepri, R. Livi and F. Piazza, Stationary energy transport in nonlinear lattices, ibidem

Sezione di GE
M. Merlo, N. Magnoli, M. Sassetti e B. Kramer, On ground states of interacting Composite Fermions with spin at total filling factor 1, preprint cond-mat/0312666
B. Kramer, M. Merlo, N. Magnoli, M. Sassetti, Spin singlet exciton of composite fermions, Phys. Stat. Sol. (B), in press

Sezione di TS
G. Mussardo, V. Riva, G. Sotkov, SEMICLASSICAL SCALING FUNCTIONS OF SINE-GORDON MODEL, preprint hep-th/0405139

Competing Research Project

We only report main Institutions outside Italy

All Depts of Phys belonging to the European Network
``EUCLID, Conformal Field Theory and Applications'',

Florence Group
Steklov Inst, St Petersburg

ITP, Amsterdam Univ.

Lab. de Physique, Ecole Normale, Lyon

Hahn Meitner Institut, Berlin

Phys. Dept., Rockefeller University, NY

Phys. Dept., Rutgers University

Centers for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos and
San Diego

Centers for Complex Systems, Santa Fe' (USA) and
Dresden (D)

II Inst. Theo. Phys., Stuttgart

Inst. fur Physik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Univ., Mainz

Genova Group
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot

Trieste Group
Dept of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University

Newman Labs, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

Theoretical Physics, Univ. of Oxford.

Inst. de Fisica Teorica, UAM-CSIC, Madrid

Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France

Elenco dei Talks

Sezione di FI

Speaker Titolo Conferenza Localita Data Autori Rivista
1 A. Cappelli Landau-Ginzburg description of boundary multicritical points in two dimensions Workshop on ``Branes in curved backgrounds'' at E. Schredinger Inst. Vienna June 2004

2 F. Bagnoli Pinching Synchronization of Coupled Map Lattices Mathematical Problems in the Analysis of Synchronous States in Networks Huston May 2004

3 S. Ruffo Long-range interactions, a Pandora-box of new phenomena Non-equilibrium physics in long-range interacting systems, Waseda Univ. Tokyo Febr 2004

4 S. Ruffo Wave-particle interaction: from plasma physics to the free electron laser Chaotic transport and complexity in Fluids and Plasmas Carry-Le-Rouet (Marseille) June 2004 S. Ruffo J. Phys. CS (2005)
5 A. Cappelli Noncommutative field thory and quantum Hall effect EUCLID EC Network annual conference Sozopol (BG) Sept. 2004

6 F. Bagnoli Chaos in a Simple Cellular Automaton Model of a Uniform Society 6th Int. Conf. on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2004 Amsterdam Oct. 2004 F. Bagnoli, F. Franci, R. Rechtman, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3305, Springer (2004)
7 S. Ruffo Non-Gaussian Resistance Fluctuations in Disordered Materials 2nd. Int. SPIE Symp. on Fluctuations and Noise Maspalomas (Spain) May 2004 C. Pennetta, E. Alfinito, L. Reggiani, S. Ruffo "Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics", SPIE Proc. 5471 (2004)

Sezione di GE

Speaker Titolo Conferenza Localita Data Autori Rivista
1 M. Merlo On ground states of interacting Composite fermions with spin at half filling DPG Spring meeting Regensburg March 2004

2 N. Magnoli Ground state of interacting Composite Fermions with spin at total filling factor one Int. Work. on Nanoscale Dynamics and Quantum Coherence Hamburg Sept. 2004

Sezione di TS

Speaker Titolo Conferenza Localita Data Autori Rivista
1 D. Controzzi Mass spectrum of the two-dimensional O(3) sigma model with topological term APS March meeting Montreal March 2004

2 G. Feverati Integrals of motion from TBA and lattice-conformal dictionary EC Network EUCLID Spring School Montpellier May 2004

3 G. Mussardo The role of topology in sigma models Int. Conf. STATPHYS 22 Bangalore July 2004

4 G. Mussardo Breaking integrability EUCLID EC Network annual conference Sozopol (BG) Sept. 2004

5 G. Mussardo Universal ratios in quantum field theory Int. Conf. on Statistical Mechanics Brisbane (AU) Dec. 2004

6 G. Delfino Integrable quantum field theory and critical phenomena Christmas Workshop on particle physics Madrid Dec. 2004