Effective Field Theories for Topological Phases of Matter
- "Hydrodynamics with Anomaly Inflow and Bosonization" (2024)
- "W-infinity symmetry in the quantum Hall effect beyond the edge" (2023)"
- "Surface excitations of 3d TI: conformal invariance, self-duality
and bosonization" (2022)
- "Universal Transport Properties in the Quantum Hall Effect" (2018)
- "Topological Insulators in Three Dimensions and Bosonization" (2016)
- "Multipole Expansion in the Quantum Hall Effect" (2016)
- "Stability of Two-Dimensional Topological Insulators" (2013)
Conformal bootstrap in more than two dimensions
- "Benchmarking the Ising Universality Class between three and four
dimensions", talk by C. Bonanno (2022)
- "Critical Ising Model in Varying Dimension by Conformal Bootstrap" (2021)
General Talks
- "Field Theory Description of Topological States of Matter''
(2016) [PDF]
- "Teorie di campo e sistemi integrabili'' (2010, in
Italian) [PDF]
- "Anyon Physics''(2008) [PDF]
- "Quarks, Strings, Anyons''(2004) [PDF]
- "Condensed Matter Applications of 2D Conformal Field Theories''
(2004) [PDF]
- "Introduction to Conformal Field Theory with Boundaries" (2002)
- "Quantum Hall Effect: an Overview'' (2001)
Lectures and Lecture Notes
- "Quantum Field Theory Anomalies in Condensed Matter Physics''
(Lectures Notes, SciPost 2022) [PDF]
- "Introduction to Conformal Field Theories''
(Short course, Catania, 2020, lecture notes
by the students in Italian) [PDF]
- "The Birth of String Theory'' (2013)
- "Il Flusso del Gruppo di Rinormalizzazione e le Teorie Effettive''
(in Italian, 2000)
- "Physical and Mathematical Aspects of the Seiberg-Witten Solution'' (1998)
Last updated: October2024